Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Moonlight

A heart too big, too deep;
Gave her life, soul, her all;
To make my childhood whole.
Carried me home.
An act giving, selfless,
Fuels my life thats blesses.
Fills me with hope,
Carries me home

Courage that is honorable,
Srenght that is admirable,
Love uncondition,
Appreciation often times,

Still it pours like rain.
Forming a mighty river
With an incessant current,
That ease all pain
Carry me home!
Carry me home!
Her light carries me home.

A candle in the dark
Warmth filling the heart
Direction in the night
My ray of light
the moonlight.

written: sept 28 2000/3:45pm
***written for my mother. A deep appreciation for her life and the vocation she chose - to be a house wife and a loving mother. I love you mama.


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